When voting on OneFeather, a spoiled ballot is one that has been intentionally left blank.
Spoiled ballots are counted as part of the total number of votes, but do not influence the results of the voting event as no choices have been marked on the ballot.
Why does OneFeather allow spoiled ballots?
We allow voters to spoil their ballots as part of the democratic process and an individuals right to vote.
On OneFeather only intentionally spoiled ballots are possible. The online voting process allows you to confirm your choices before the ballots are cast, so there is no risk of accidentally casting a spoiled ballot unless that is your intention.
You may intentionally spoil a ballots for any of the following reasons:
- You are not satisfied with the choices you've been presented with.
- You are protesting the process or ballot, but exercising your right to vote.
- You are indifferent about the outcome of the ballot.
- Any other reason.
How to spoil a ballot question
- When casting your vote online, simply leave the ballot blank and select the Next button:
- A yellow warning will appear, select Next again:
- Continue on with other ballot selections (if applicable).
- After all of your ballot selections are made, you will be able to review and confirm your selections and confirm your vote:
- Your vote is now cast and any ballots you have spoiled are valid.