On this page:
Review Application
- Scroll down to SCIS Photo > review your SCIS photo makes sure that it fits all the requirements set by Indigenous Services Canada.
- If it does not fit the requirements click Edit and follow the instructions provided
- Scroll down to Dependent's Personal Info > review the information you provided
- If any personal information needs updated click Edit and follow the instructions provided
- Scroll down to Guardian's Personal Info > review the information you provided
- If any personal information needs updated click Edit and follow the instructions provided
- Scroll down to Contact Info > review your contact information
- If any contact information needs updated click Edit and follow the instructions provided
- Scroll down to Address Info > review your home and mailing address
- If your address needs updated click Edit and follow the instructions provided
- Scroll down to Document Photos > review the document type, number, expiry date and that your name on the document is correct
- If any document information needs updated click Edit and follow the instructions provided
- Scroll down to Application Info > review that the reason for SCIS is correct
- If any personal information needs updated click Edit and follow the instructions provided
Declaration and Signature
- Read the declaration
- Under the Your Signature section click inside of the box
- Once the pop up appears click and move your mouse to sign
- Make sure the signature stays inside of the box, if it goes over it may not be accepted by Indigenous Services Canada. - If the signature goes over or you would like to sign again click Clear and Redo
- Check the My signature is fully contained and does not extend outside of the box checkbox
- Once happy with your signature click Accept
- If you want to sign again click Clear Signature
- Once completed click Confirm and Complete
- Read the declaration
- Rotate your phone onto its side
- Under the Your Signature section click inside of the box
- Once the pop up appears use your finger to sign your name
- Make sure the signature stays inside of the box, if it goes over it may not be accepted by Indigenous Services Canada - If the signature goes over or you would like to sign again click Clear and Redo
- Check the My signature is fully contained and does not extend outside of the box checkbox
- Once happy with your signature click Accept
- If you want to sign again click Clear Signature
- Once completed click Confirm and Complete
You will now be able to select your guarantor for your application.