On this page:
- Add an additional email address
- Delete an email address
- Select your contact email
- Change your password
Add an additional email address
- Navigate to the OneFeather admin
- Click on the profile icon in the top right corner
- Click Manage Account
- In the left-hand navigation, click Access and Security
- In the Add an Email Address textbox, add the additional email you want to add to your account
- In the Password textbox, add your OneFeather account password
- Click the Add Email button
- In your email's inbox select the email with the subject line "Confirm your new email on OneFeather" > Click Verify Email
Your additional email has now been verified.
Delete an email address
You may delete an email address from your OneFeather account if you have multiple emails.
- Navigate to the OneFeather admin
- Click on the profile icon in the top right corner
- Click Manage Account
- In the left-hand navigation, click Access and Security
- Locate the email you want to delete and click the trash can on the right-hand side
- Confirm you want to remove this email from your account by clicking OK
Your email has now been removed from your OneFeather account.
Select your contact email
The selected email address is where OneFeather will contact you about your account and the products you use on your account.
- Navigate to the OneFeather admin
- Click on the profile icon in the top right corner
- Click Manage Account
- In the left-hand navigation, click Access and Security
- Scroll down to Contact Email
- In the Set Contact Email Address dropdown select the address you wish to be contacted add
- Click Save Contact Email
Your selected email has now been saved and you will receive all notifications for your OneFeather account at this email.
Change your password
- Navigate to the OneFeather admin
- Click on the profile icon in the top right corner
- Click Manage Account
- In the left-hand navigation, click Access and Security
- Scroll down to Change Your Password
- In the Current Password textbox, enter in your current password
- In the Password text box, enter in your new password
- In the Password Confirmation textbox, enter in you new password again
- Click Update Password
Your new Password has been saved.