Adding a voters list to your voting event is now easier than before. Previously voters had to be uploaded by way of adding members to a community and using tags to attach them to a voters list.
Now, upload a CSV file directly to the voting event and the system will automatically create new memberships where required, update existing memberships, and flag for review any members with inconsistent data from your file. Tags are no longer needed to segment a voters list from a membership list.
On this Page:
Add a voters list to your event
Add a Voters List to Your Event
- Once your voting event has been created and the basic details have been saved, from your event admin page, select the Voters List tab.
Note: The voters list tab will have an icon indicating action is required to complete the setup of your event. - Select the Add Voters button in the empty voters list.
Importing a Voters List With a .CSV File
- Select Import voters from CSV.
- Ensure the .CSV file is formatted correctly and contains the required columns. Select your file and click the Create CSV Upload button.
Note: The most common error encountered when importing a .CSV is incompatible date of birth formats. It must match the example below. Learn more about setting up your .CSV here. - Match the column labels to the correct labels in OneFeather and continue.
- Review the sample of the voters list import to ensure the column labels and information match and are correct. Select Confirm.
- Review the import report of the file. If there are any voters with irregular or missing data, they will be displayed here and not added to the voters list. Select the Continue to Voters List button.
Note: Community memberships will be added, updated, or recreated as all voters must be members. - It may take a few moments while the voters list is added to your event, feel free to complete other actions while this happens in the background.
- After a few minutes select the Voters List tab to view the now uploaded and active voters list.
Add Voters From the Existing Membership List
If a membership list has been uploaded to OneFeather at any point in time, you can also populate a voters list, or add to an existing voters by way of adding eligible members.
- If you have already populated your voters list, you can add additional voters through the Actions menu, located on the lower right side of the page of the Voter List tab. Select Add Voters to List.
Note: If you have not added any voters to the voter list yet, you will see a red 'Add Voters' button in the empty list area, as shown in Add Voters to Your Event - Select Add from existing membership list.
- Review the information on the page and press Continue when ready.
- You will be shown the number of eligible voters found from the membership list. Click Add to Voter List.
- It may take a few moments while the voters are added to the list, feel free to complete other actions while this happens in the background.
- Select the Voters List tab to view the now uploaded and active voters list.
Note: The 'Voters List' tab will show a number in parentheses - this represents the total number of voters on the list.
Remove Voters on Voter List
Situations can happen where you may need to remove all voters from the voter list and repopulate it again. Please keep in mind that action can only be done before an event is live.
Note: All voting event management actions such as this are recorded in our tamper-proof activity log for safety and security reasons. The log can be found on the voting event's admin page, located in the tabs section.
- In the Voters List tab, click the Actions button (on the lower portion of the page).
2. In the Actions button dropdown menu, click the "Clear voter list" option.
Note: This action cannot be undone once it has been confirmed. You will need to upload or populated the voters list again if you do this by mistake.
3. Click 'Ok' on the confirmation pop-up.
4. Note: Wait a few minutes for the page to update.
Once the the update is complete, click the Voter List tab, to confirm there are no voters on the list. Use the Add Voters button to repopulate the voters list.
Removing an Individual Voter From the Voters List
- On the Voter List tab of your voting event and find the voter you wish to remove.
Tip: Search for voters quickly by entering the voters name and or registry number in the search bar, then click the small red button. - Once you've found the correct voter, Click the their Name. This will navigated you to their profile.
- On the members profile page, look for the 'Member's Current Voting Events' (located under their information details). On the right side of the page under Current Enrolments, you will find a list of their voting events. Click Remove beside the event title.
4. A modal will display asking you to confirm this action. Ensure the information is correct, then click Confirm to complete.
5. At the top of the page you'll see a green banner saying that the member was removed successfully.